
Friday, May 23, 2008

A Supported Fall

I finally graduate to a bicycle

That’s got just two wheels..

And I take off fearlessly,

Inclined always to my left,

As if circling something,

I steep and waver

But with not the slightest element of fright..

Cos I know you are there,

Holding the bike and me

Not leaving it for an instant,

And I loved you so much that day dad,

Cos you were the sole support I leant on..

Time elapsed…

And I continue taking off,

And oh, time and again you fail my side..

You leave me to myself,

Looking at me from a distance..

And you don’t know how frightening this is!

I sway, waver, stumble

And finally I am on my way to fall..

And you appear from nowhere,

Just in time to halt my fall,

Oh I loved you so much that day dad

Cos you were the support that prevented my fall..

Time in its habit elapsed again..

And I don’t see you at all dad..!

I am to myself completely..

But it is not fear of loneliness now,

But a joy of independence..

And I don’t search you too..

Oh I hit somewhere,

I stumble, waver, faulter

And on my way to fall,

And I fall with a thud..

And I see you at a distance

Walking calmly to me,

You dress the bruise,

And rise me up again,

Hand me my bike,

And disappear..

And I loved you so much that day dad,

Cos you were the support that let me fall..

And I now know why I fell..

You gave me support to rise again from the fall..

And someday maybe

I will know how to rise too..!!


Amit Charles said...

Liked the beginning.

Awesome imagery

keep it rollin;)

jagadeesh said...

Its everything that you wrote about. Dad could be the image of dad everyone has, it could be a metaphor for hope. In every sense, a nice write. :-)