
Friday, May 23, 2008

All That I Am Left With

On the street that bore us hand in hand,

Just two feet traverse today,

And every other day

Since you retired onto those four corners

I yearn to peep into..

I walk the memory lane,

Sometimes punctuated with withered flowers,

Sometimes with pearls of snow,

Sometimes with floods meandering,

Sometimes with only hot stones and tar..

Yet I walk every season

When the moon ascends

And takes its pole,

As on the days past..

The only other that knows I was in your life,

And that you were mine..

Its for that glimpse I walk,

For that I long to see,

And so I stop,

At the yellow rectangle..

The ever illuminated darkness of your house..

The windows you used to peep from,

Now its my turn..

As I look through closed glassy backdrop,

A small shadow on the wall..

That I curse myself for not owning,

And plan to break in to retrieve..

Its that sight I came for,

Amd I am walking back,

Maybe tomorrow I will take it somehow..

But I know I wouldnt,

Cos for now,

That’s the only task that keeps me going,

Some purpose that drives me..

The black rectangle

among the bigger yellow,

The shadow of your portrait

Beyond the window..

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