Friday, May 30, 2008
Recurring Smile
Brilliance sprouting,
Statically sweating,
At the edge of seat….
On the black and white board,
Through nervy games,
With every check I confront,
Cant help a recurring smile…
Speedy moves,
Pursuing the goal,
Profusely sweating,
Adrenaline rushing,
Kicking the black and white sphere,
Through overwrought games,
With every kick,
Cant help a recurring smile…
Swift moves,
Elegantly budging,
From key to key,
Transcending to another world,
Shoving on the black and white piano,
Through lilting melodies,
With every compressed key,
Cant help a recurring smile…
Every entity
Black and white….
Cant help a recurring smile…
Remind they do, of those…
Edgy(while looking at me!)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Oh My Thoughts!
Lucidity unraveling perplexity
Again peeling off into lucidity
The core is lucid or otherwise
Is yet another perplexity..
Dense when I blithely blether
Denser still when silence steals within
Sometimes levity prevails
Sometimes to lampoon giving in..
Unknown roots
Unfathomable depths
Unconquered expanse
Unimaginable impact…
Immuring me in the labyrinth
A prisoner of freedom
A Freedom to prison thoughts
Blending the oxymoron into one…
Yet I let….
But why?
such vastness to be
Shrunken by a single notion?
Such versatility to be narrowed
into one single thought?
Such density to be slimmed
By a single deliberation?
Such amorphous sea to be replaced
by a human form?
(Call it rationalization
Or intellectualization….)
I am not letting anymore..
I am shut to Love!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Black n White Dream
Our dreams poles apart
Ours and theirs…
Dreams come in black and white, they say
And ours was no exception…
Bloated and swollen with accumulated aspirations
Black and white alternating,
Our dream lay in the midst..
Ever since the battle kicked off,
We too have been..
Kissing victory or espousing defeat
The next few minutes will decide…
Eleventh hour we have arrived at
The eleven of us.
And towards the goal we run…..
And what a goal it was!!!!!
they listen to me
It is not the four chambers
they seem unperturbed in the beat
Where do you reside, tell me
Where are you in me,
Where i have no say,
And where stillness is the living way
"Where life resides in you" he asked
"Where death whistles its arrival
Where joy dwells, peeping now and then
Where search is futile yet the fulcrum"
He smiled.
And me too
"Where this smile roots from"
And i smiled even more....
When I...
When I speak,
You are the silence that creeps in,
The irrelevance that intrudes
The stutter that frequents
And the words that I never sound
When I see,
You are the space I gaze into
An absent look I pretend
The shape that takes every particle beyond eyes
And the mirage I feign that it is not one
When I walk,
You are the parallel I sought
But I hear the footsteps within
You are the fingers that I craved to hold
And the tremor that haunts mine
When I think,
You are the thought I hanker and dread
You are the sole tenant of my mind space, and the vacuum
You are the question I ponder
And the answer I never try to seek
When I live,
You are the breath I hold, and renounce
You are the search, the reach
You are the pain I stomach
And the life I lack
When I sleep ,
You are the darkness that clutches me
The tears that wet my pillow, swearing each time as last
You are the sleep I long for
And you are the long sleep....
Friday, May 23, 2008
Words Of Silence
Monomers of a sentence
But polymers for an infant
The carrier of meaning
But delicate as a woman
The lingual marvel they say
But I don’t agree, nay
There I see words dancing through
The air n I look for the source, who else but u
Through the busy crowds I spot
Your prowling eyes radiating every thought
Every look ejects a word
Chained by me into a ballad
Monomers of a sentence
But polymers for an infant
The carrier of meaning
That carried me away
Those subtle messages
U deliver through those tiny passages
Talk? O need not
Just roll those twins about
Not to mention the twinkle
That frequents, n then a sorta chuckle
I cogitate a little while
N get the meaning of all that smile
Monomers of a sentence
But polymers for an infant
The carrier of meaning
That gave me a life sentence
Hours together we spend
With no sounding of word
But every word so sound
No knowledge whats happening around
I do hear words craft a noise
Well, it’s the pen scratching the paper, a poetical voice
Silence was all that prevailed
Yet, d joy of an epic said
Monomers of silence
But polymers for my tongue
The carrier of my soul
Your eyes, its source
A Supported Fall

I finally graduate to a bicycle
That’s got just two wheels..
And I take off fearlessly,
Inclined always to my left,
As if circling something,
I steep and waver
But with not the slightest element of fright..
Cos I know you are there,
Holding the bike and me
Not leaving it for an instant,
And I loved you so much that day dad,
Cos you were the sole support I leant on..
Time elapsed…
And I continue taking off,
And oh, time and again you fail my side..
You leave me to myself,
Looking at me from a distance..
And you don’t know how frightening this is!
I sway, waver, stumble
And finally I am on my way to fall..
And you appear from nowhere,
Just in time to halt my fall,
Oh I loved you so much that day dad
Cos you were the support that prevented my fall..
Time in its habit elapsed again..
And I don’t see you at all dad..!
I am to myself completely..
But it is not fear of loneliness now,
But a joy of independence..
And I don’t search you too..
Oh I hit somewhere,
I stumble, waver, faulter
And on my way to fall,
And I fall with a thud..
And I see you at a distance
Walking calmly to me,
You dress the bruise,
And rise me up again,
Hand me my bike,
And disappear..
And I loved you so much that day dad,
Cos you were the support that let me fall..
And I now know why I fell..
You gave me support to rise again from the fall..
And someday maybe
I will know how to rise too..!!
You Are Broken!!
Between the world and me, you lie all along
Through you is my wprld, every frame
One person I am all ears, that’s you
Only other that rides on my nose, than anger..
And today you are shattered, broken
And my world goes blank
I am deaf all off a sudden
I am blind to all happenings
Life has lost its spectacles
Cos mines broken too!!!! [J]
All That I Am Left With
On the street that bore us hand in hand,
Just two feet traverse today,
And every other day
Since you retired onto those four corners
I yearn to peep into..
I walk the memory lane,
Sometimes punctuated with withered flowers,
Sometimes with pearls of snow,
Sometimes with floods meandering,
Sometimes with only hot stones and tar..
Yet I walk every season
When the moon ascends
And takes its pole,
As on the days past..
The only other that knows I was in your life,
And that you were mine..
Its for that glimpse I walk,
For that I long to see,
And so I stop,
At the yellow rectangle..
The ever illuminated darkness of your house..
The windows you used to peep from,
Now its my turn..
As I look through closed glassy backdrop,
A small shadow on the wall..
That I curse myself for not owning,
And plan to break in to retrieve..
Its that sight I came for,
Amd I am walking back,
Maybe tomorrow I will take it somehow..
But I know I wouldnt,
That’s the only task that keeps me going,
Some purpose that drives me..
The black rectangle
among the bigger yellow,
The shadow of your portrait
Beyond the window..
A Halt, But Brief

Through the mercedes window,
Lowering the glass for a clearer view,
Sacrificing a few moments
Of ‘conditioned comfort’,
Watching as if it is a never before sight,
With all concern expressed
Conspicuously in eyes,
I look on,
During a traffic halt..
Windows written all over,
Interrupted here and there with cloth,
Peeping with anticipation as if into a treasury,
Picking with joy, as if it is gold and jewellery,
The bone and smiles boy yonder,
Is all that I am looking at..
Wondered many a times,
What he would carry in that sack,
With energy just enough to pull himself on,
What objects of importance is he pulling on..
A tear rolls the threshold of my eyes,
Cos the emotional threshold reached..
Questions crowd as to when this sight will disappear,
Anger builds against some anonymous body
Conveniently named society,
Frustration at the government,
Fury at the looters of law..
And I look at the boys face,
Flawless and promising,
The lean body, fatless and demanding..
A drive to let out my hand and pick him up,
Alas, but just then, the driver drove on..
The traffic light had cleared..
I look at the watch,
I am late by half hour!
And I curse the inefficient driver,
The ever late parlour girl,
The time consuming calls,
And the ever long traffic signal!
Ha thank God,
After all I was not very late,
The party had just begun
And the booze is still on..!
‘society and the poor’ is the running conversation,
and I butt in with my todays experience,
oh what an audience I commanded..!!
They Didn’t Follow Suit
My words take different forms,
Abstract situations,
Cranky thoughts,
Punning metaphors,
Satirical emotions,
Cynical conclusions…
And over my shoulder
As you read,
I saw in your eyes,
The poem running..
Just as I had written it..
After all, was it not a reflection?
And I wrote with greater vigour
Happiness etching each line,
Words popped up from nowhere,
Racing with each other
To help my fulfillment of obsession,
And my obsession of fulfillment..
The former cos I spawn and own them,
The latter cos you cherish and relish them..
And thus graffiti took shape,
Acquired form, gathered life..
And became poem..
When you left..
They didn’t follow suit,
Only.. you became the poem..!!
A Heavy Downpour And After..
Not when the clouds darken I think about you,
Cos I never look up..
Not when they burst into rain,
Cos my ears are plugged..
Not when the drops drip from the leaves,
Cos my windows are shut..
Not when I stamp on my reflection,
Cos I never look down..
Not when running streams push me on,
Cos nothing pushes me these days..
Not when the umbrella slips past my hand,
Cos nothing more can slip..
Not when I am drenched to the fullest,
Cos nothing wets me these days..
And then when everything’s done,
When the rain’s abated..
The fragrance
From the wet sand,
Gathers up,
Jeering at the futile mighty forces,
With its mocking subtlety
Betrays my eyes,
Eludes my windows,
Evades my ear plugs,
Pierces my heart..
I realize..
The residual capacity
Of heavy downpours..!!
In Circles, I Run
Seems like I am running in circles,
Cos I keep landing on a similar point,
That I started with..
And I realize it falls away from the cicle,
Not completing it,
But forming another..
This I take cautious steps,
Different points this circle has,
But some where a sense of déjà vu..
Or rather a premonition of the difference!!
And I run in circles..
The radius increasing each time
So that I don’t take the same one again..
How many times have I been tempted
To return to a favorite spot,
But that would mean the circle is stopped,
And it cant..
Sometimes I am tempted to look back,
At a few points of reminiscence
And there goes the present circle,
Wavy and jittery..
And I get back to reality..
Running around in circles,
I grew tall..
I am akin the tree..
That when finally cut,
Shows circles of paths!!
And then I have all the time to look back,
Look on….
sky n Me
Where does the sky begin..
From the lowest cloud??
Where does it end..
At the farthest cloud??
Spherical maybe it is
Cos that’s the shape of earth
Or hemi, cos land butts in too..
So where does the sky end into land?
And where does it begin from it??
Pulls up the sun from its cold oceanic abode
And hands back at dusk..
So where does the sky exchange..
At the beginning or end or in the midst??
When man impaled the atmosphere,
To set foot out of earth,
He traversed out of the sky or into it?
Or maybe through it?
So where does the sky begin..
On earth or away??
Where does the sky exist..
On earth or away…??
Well… does the sky exist??......
Questions unanswered..
And will remain so till mankind discovers
There is no sky…
And hence I fly
On land..
With feet on earth
I fly..
Not in sky, but in life..
Defy it and I shall prove..
No queries, no answers
But you got to feel as I do
And when you don’t,
Sky will exist
It will never begin, never end..
And you shall never fly!
Does It ‘Matter’ Still?
To nothingness,
Matter does eventuate..
That it is neither created nor destroyed,
Has exceptions, in its new state
Hassling the waves,
Rainbow painted,
Traverses a bubble.
Is it mass?
But it vanishes into nonexistence
Is it an illusion?
But its colours were extant
So what was it
My travel in your love??
Waiting To Live, Living To Wait
Waiting I am,
For this glum moment to pass,
Into a moment I could actually feel
The heaviness of a past
And rejoice its absence…
Waiting I am,
For this joyous time to pass,
Into a time when I could actually feel
The happiness of a past
Conspicuous by n cos of its absence…
Waiting I am,
For these tears to dry,
A time, when I could laugh over it
Shy and mature…
Waiting I am,
For these smiles to straighten
A time, when I could shed tears
Over the great times gone
Emotional and immature…
When the wait ends
Is when I would actually live..
But the wait ends
When I cease to..
So Lord,
Keep me waiting,
Keep me smiling, crying
Keep me happy, gloomy
Keep me busy
So that I don’t realize I am waiting…
'Starring' Love
Upon the black canvass
A facsimile, I endeavour
Silver dipped bristles at hand
An artist sprouted that I was never
Zany mind, I have chided my own as
Today it comes with even greater fervor
Pointillism may be you could call it
As I sprinkled silver all over
So what was the try,
Why am I jubilant
Cos we just witnessed my theory
Of evolution of stars
Well you should have expected when I meant crazy
Anyway now you would
But I stick on and worry
cos though my replica perfect
Their glitter and twinkle are somewhere buried..
Defying You, I began a creation
Funny and ninny true
Yet the glitter I want it somehow
cos I want to challenge you
They say You made the stars, and I made them too
But what is missing is life
That sparkles through
Laughing my way home, at my new way of
Expressing love
I see her running over me
The effaced longing,
Evidenced by the overflowing glee
With love full of me, she hugged
With me full of love, we flee
As ever into a land unknown
Where no stars, no earth from which to free
So heres my creation oh Lord
That I brought into her eyes
The purest twinkle and glitter
That my love devised
Not a distance feigned
Furnace disguised
And it is to arrive at this
I babbled about chart and art
But the essence is I challenge
You now to better mine…..
Or perhaps Yours??!!
She Is Ours, I Am Yours..
The ecstasy of manufacture
Was but profound
And hence the pain of production too..
A world of just you and me, you dreamt
And here I bring to the world
A being packed with just you and me
My gift to you or yours to me?
Pain of mine is but physical,
And even that subsides
With every step of your pacing
I hear at the corridor.
I scream, I cry,
Yes, my physical response to physiology
Yet my inner self is, but at the height of fruition
Comparable only to the glee of our splicing..
Let it pain less, you pray
But I have no prayers
Cos mine have already been answered
With every wave of pain,
I am re-living you in me
Let it last any long..
And finally they say she is out
A ‘she’ that you wanted
And I know why!
She cries her first
And it is the first I see you cry too.
Storming into the room,
I wait for you to pick her up
To devour the joy of fatherhood
To break the months of anticipation
To hold yours in your arms
To embrace her that
You waited for all this long.
But here you come straight,
Not a look at her
But put my head on your shoulders
With a smile of relief and tears of love,
And that’s when I cried the longest!
How Could I???
All That You Undid
You talk of a girl
And my ears pick up
Fuming within
When you call her cute
Oh how civilized I used to be?
You exhibit levity
And I laugh like a child
Amidst a bewildered crowd.
I laugh even louder when alone
Oh how cultured I used to be?
A mild ache you complain
And pillar to post I run
Sleep eluding, peace evading
Till health smiles
Oh how dispassionate I used to be?
You promise to drop in
And am the doorway all day
All work pushed into the house, out of me
Idle I stand, waiting..
Oh what a workaholic I used to be?
And then you ring up
You could not make it that day, apologies galore
Not a word impaled me,
As I burst into tears, as if the world had halted
Oh how composed I used to be?
We walk on the road
And how hard you clutch me at the crossing
Stopping for chocs, dropping bags with intent
All for your mollycoddle
Oh how mature I used to be
Today, at your tomb
Dry eyed, flower handed, empty hearted
I stand, civilized, cultured, dispassionate, composed, mature…
All that you undid, back with full vigour
Oh how humanlike I used to be!
Leaking Away
Subtle, absorbing…
Into my book on desk I am,
Pages turned at the speed of wind
Intent and rapt
At the music of merging
Rapture of rhyme
Deftness of daub..
Subtle, absorbing…
Staring into the book on desk I am,
Pages turned by the wind..
Glued, immured
By the splendor of splodge
Fidelity of friction
Daintiness of a dive..
Subtle, absorbing…
But I re-opened the book
And finally closed the tap!!!
Zombie of War
A line
And am crossing it maybe
Cracking, comminuted
Brown streaks across the sky
Leaves dripping
From the moving clouds
As I lay under
A hovering tree
A thin line
And am crossing it maybe
Cracking, comminuted
Brown streaks across the land
Leaves sprouting
From the static sand
As I lay hovering
The tree under
A thin line of demarcation
And am crossing it maybe
Cracking, comminuted
Red streaks across life
Blood dripping, sprouting
From the static corpses, moving souls
As I lay amidst
The battle yonder
A thin line of demarcation
And I have crossed it maybe
Between sanity and lunacy…..
You are the rays
Unrippling the expanse
Yet percolating
Pushing away every molecule
Ricocheting all obstacles
The screen from the sky
My roof second to surface
Fall the rays
Tickling me back to life
a vegetation on the bed of sea..
You are the rays...
Sans change,
not love is
change is..
object of change
today our love is, yours and mine
but on our object of change, yours and mine
a change is..
the object of love
you changed..
with object to change
in my love too
a change is..
from sweet to bitter!!
With You, Hung My Life
My last few moments on earth am living
Knowing the exact time of death
A bliss not many could get,
And here I stand, holding long every breath
Six, the gong strikes,
Ten more minutes I have to count
Would it be different from the past ten hours counted?
Maybe, cos it is the last lap that’s always hard to mount
The faith I counted upon
Had vanished weeks back
When my plea to the Lord and yours to the law
Ungranted, unpermitting my hitting the sack
Ever since I have been counting actually
To live that moment when I shall die
Death takes the body away, but not the soul they say,
But to me, death attempts a different try
Last night, the last time I ever saw you
Had loads to say
Loads to unburden
Yet a blank stare was all I gave
What could I tell you
That it is alright, am there
And that whatever happens will pass
As always I say, with you on my lap, stroking
What could I tell you
That every prob has a way out
Every crisis bears some good
As always I say, when you despair and shout?
Cos this will pass right, but you
with it
And I will be there yes, but helpless as a carcass
There is a way out true, but it is out of life
And stroke your hair I cant, when you are at the lap of gallows
Least I knew your crime when we met
And nothing more now too
Cos I never wanted to know
Why at the ropes end should life end you
And here I wait, outside the gaol
Among the bushes, watching the mist clear,
The dew melt, the sun rise,
The cold wane, and that’s when I begin to shiver
What did you do, was it right or wrong
I never knew, never tried
Does it matter anyway
maybe am the sinner, cos am the punished
I have counted the ten minutes
And I have died
And I walk away, with no tears, no sorrows
After all, aint numbness and death tied??